Micromachine Summit
Micromachine Summit

Micromachine Summit

MMS 2006



Best of Dallas



Past Events

Micromachine Summit Delegates

Canada Dan Gale Chief Delegate CMC Microsystems
Canada Sven Achenbach Delegate University of Saskatchewan
Latin America Guillermo Fernandez de la Garza Chief Delegate United States - Mexico Foundation for Science
Latin America Hernan Valenzuela Delegate Superintendent of the Free Trade Zone of Manaus
Latin America Daniel Lupi Delegate National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI)
USA Michael Gaitan Chief Delegate National Institute of Standards and Technology
USA Tom Cellucci Delegate Zyvex
USA Bob Sulouff Delegate Analog Devices, Inc
USA Steve Walsh Delegate UNM
Australia Jason Chaffey Chief Delegate DSTO
China Zhaoying Zhou Chief Delegate Tsinghua University, Beijing
China Henggao Ding Delegate Tsinghua University, Beijing
China Lining Sun Delegate Harbin Institute of
Technology, Harbin
China Yuelin Wang Delegate Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology
China Bailing Zhou Delegate Southeast University, Nanjing
India Shiban Koul Chief Delegate Centre for Applied Research in Electronics, IIT Delhi
Israel Igal Klein Chief Delegate Rafael
Israel Dan Seter Delegate  
Japan Dr. Isao Shimoyama Chief Delegate Department of Mechano-Informatics, The University of Tokyo
Japan Keiichi Aoyagi Delegate Micromachine Center
Japan Takayuki Hirano Delegate Micromachine Center
Japan Hitoshi Ogata Delegate Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Japan Toshiro Shimoyama Delegate Olympus Corporation
Korea Young-Ho Cho Chief Delegate Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Singapore Albert Chee Wai Lu Chief Delegate Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology
Singapore Saman Dharmatilleke Delegate National University of Singapore
Singapore SP Lim Delegate Institute of Materials Research Engineering IMRE
Singapore Xue Chuan Shan Delegate Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology
Taiwan Chih-Kung Lee Chief Delegate Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University
Taiwan Pei-Zen Chang Delegate National Taiwan University
Taiwan Yan-Kuin Su Delegate Industrial Technology Research Institute
Taiwan Ming-Chieh Tsai Delegate Industrial Technology Research Institute
Taiwan Jing-Tang Yang Delegate National Taiwan University
Benelux Albert van den Burg Chief Delegate Universiteit Twente
Benelux Kees (C.J.M.) Eijkel Delegate


Benelux Chris van Hoof Delegate IMEC
Benelux Huub (H.W.M.) Salemink Delegate TU Delft
European Dirk Beernaert Chief Delegate European Commisson
European Stefan Dimov Delegate 4M (Multi-Material Micro Manufacture) Network of Excellence
European Hans Hartmann Pedersen Delegate European Commisson
France Emmanuel Bigler Chief Delegate FEMTO ST CNRS
France Jean Christophe Eloy Delegate Yole Développement
France Gaetan Menozzi Delegate MEMSCAP
France David Holden Delegate Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique
Germany Roland Zengerle Chief Delegate IMTEK
Germany J・gen Berger Delegate VDI VDE
Germany Theodor Doll Delegate Institut für Mikrotechnik Mainz GmbH
Germany Norbert Fabricius Delegate Forschungszentrum, Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz
Germany Christine Neuy Delegate IVAM Microtechnology Network


Paolo Dario Chief Delegate Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Mediterranean Mario Zen Delegate Istituto Trentino Di Cultura-IRST Microsystem Division
Mediterranean Carles Cané Delegate  
Nordic Henrik Jakobsen Chief Delegate Institute for Microsystem Technology
Nordic Peter Enoksson Delegate Chalmers University of Technology
Nordic Jorgen Hoeg Delegate Hymite, Inc.
Nordic Hannu Kattelus Delegate VTT
Switzerland Nico de Rooij Chief Delegate

Institute of Microtechnology, Université de Neuchâtel

Switzerland Philippe Fischer Delegate FSRM
Switzerland Sean Neylon Delegate Colibrys
UK Geoff Beardmore Chief Delegate Myriad Technology
UK Malcolm Gower Delegate Exitech
UK Ron Lawes Delegate Imperial College
UK David Tolfree Delegate Technopreneur Ltd.

Updated: 27 April 2005