Prof. Daniel HAUDEN
Daniel Hauden received the PhD grade of the University of Besançon in 1971, France and started his research on quantum electronics at the CNRS. He was involved into Surface Acoustic Waves (SAW) propagation and applications at the LPMO-CNRS Besançon where he worked as assistant-professor specialist on SAW Devices and Systems and Microelectronics. In 1981 he became full Professor in Microelectronics ant Microsystems at the Besançon Engineering School where he created the education master in micro-systems.
In 2001-2002 he created with colleagues a new Engineering School in the field of Biomedical applications of Micro and Nano-technologies and systems.
In 2003 he created the French research program in “Micro-fluidics and fluidics Micro-systems” at the CNRS which sponsored research projects for 5 years (2003-2006). 30 new projects were supported during 4 years.
After 12 years as LPMO-laboratory Director, he was nominated as Scientific Director of the Department Science and Technology for Information and Communication at the French Research Minister in 2002.
Still scientist in the new research Institute FEMTO-ST in Besançon, his interests for Microsystems and Nano-technologies are mainly on wireless sensors and applications to biology and chemistry and on communication systems.
He is a member of several international committees in Europe and worldwide.