3rd Micromachine Summit
28-30 April, 1997
Vancouver, Canada
Organaized by Simon Fraser University |
Host Organization
Simon Fraser University
Supporting Organizations
Alberta Microelectronics CentreBritish Columbia
Ministry of Employment & Investment
Canadian Microelectonics Corporation
National Research Council of Canada
Western Clinical Engineering Limited
3rd. Micromachine Summit
28-30 April, 1997
Vancouver, Canada
The Micromachine Summits are international forums that actively consider
and inter-change ideas about the impact on industry, society, and the environment
of the field including microerectromechanical systems (MEMS) or Microsystem
Technology (MST). Thirteen country/regions in the world that are active
in this field of research and production send delegates to the Summit to
promote dialogue and idea interchange.
Monday April 28
6-8pm Welcoming Reception
Westin Bayshore Hotel
Marine Room
Tuesday April 29
All meeting sessions will be held in the Ballroom
8:30am |
Opening of the Summit |
Chair, Mr. Gordon Guild |
President,MTC Micromachining Technology Centre, Canada |
8:45 |
Session 1:Country/Region Reviews |
Australia |
Benelux |
Canada |
France |
Germany |
Italy |
Japan |
Scandinavia |
Switzerland |
Taiwan |
United Kingdom |
United States America |
10:45 |
Break |
11:15 |
Session 2:Standardization |
Dr. Wolfgang Menz / Director,Albert-Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg, Germany |
Mr. Takayuki Hirano / Executive Director, Micromachine Center, Japan |
Discussion on Standardization |
12:15pm |
Lunch |
Marine Room |
1:45 |
Session 3:Healthcare |
Dr. Daniel Esteve / Head, Microstructures Dept.,LAAS-CNRS, France |
Mr. Chris Lumb / President and CEO , ALberta Microelectronics Centre,Canada |
Dr. Toshiro Shimoyama / Chairman and CEO , Olympus Optical Co., Japan |
3:15 |
Break |
3:45 |
Session 4:Environment |
Dr. Howard Dorey /Professor , Imperial College, UK |
Dr. Benjamin Hocker / Director , Honeywell Technology |
Dr. Tsuneo Ishimaru / Chairman , Denso Corporation, Japan |
Discussion on Environment |
5:15 |
Open Question Period |
5:30 |
Adjourn for the day |
6:15 |
Buses depart the Westin Bayshore for the Museum of Anthropology |
7:15 |
Tour of the Museum of Anthropology |
8:15 |
First Nations Dinner featuring traditional native cuisine and dance International
House |
Wednesday, April 30
9:00am |
Session 5:New Horizons and New Materials |
Dr. Erol Harvey / Senior Development Engineer , Exitech Ltd., UK |
Dr. D.Jed Harrison / Professor , University of Alberta, Canada |
Discussion on New Horizons and Materials |
10:00 |
Response to Tuesday's Open |
Question Period |
10:30 |
Break |
11:00 |
Session 6:Transportation |
Dr. Wendong Zhang / Professor, North China Institute of Technology,China |
Mr. Richard Payne / Vice President , Analog Devices Inc., USA |
Dr. Michael Ward / Business Manager, Sensors , Defence Research Agency,
UK |
Discussion on Transportation |
12:30pm |
Lunch |
Boathouse Room |
Meeting of the Chief Delegates Hunt Room |
2:00 |
Session 7:Information Technology |
Dr. Sadao Moritomo / Executive Vice President , Seiko Instruments Inc.,
Japan |
Dr. Gunnar Edwall / Director , Ericsson Components AB, Scandinavia |
Discussion on Information Technology |
3:00 |
Conclusion of the Summit |
3:15 |
Adjourn |
- Prof. Ian Bates
Assoc. Dean, R&D
Royal Melborne Institute of Technology
- Mr. Michael J. Dalling,
Managing Director
Strategic Industry Research Foundation
- Dr. Michael J. Murray
Chief of Materials, Science and Technology CSIRO
- Prof. Dinesh Sood, Researcher
Royal Melbone Institute of Technology
- Dr. Albert van den Berg
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
MESA Research Institute, University of Twente
- Dr. Job Elders
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Twente MicroProducts, University of Twente
- Mr. Gordon Guild
President MTC Micromachining Technology Centre
Simon Fraser University
- Mr. Dan Gale
Vice President & Dir of Strategic Planning
Canadian Microelectronics Corporation
- Dr. D. Jed Harrison
Professor Department of Chemistry,
University of Alberta
- Mr. Chris Lumb
President and CEO, Alberta Microelectronic Centre
- Dr. M. (Ash) Parameswaran,
Director Institute of Micromachine & Microfabrication Research,
Simon Fraser University
- Prof. Zhaoying Zhou
Chairman Department of Precision Instruments & Mechanology,
- Mr. Zu-wu Yun
China Yuanwang (Group) Co.
- Prof. Wenalong Zhang
Dept. of Instruments & Measurement Tech.
North China Institute of Technology
- Mr. Daniel Hauden
Director LPMO-CNRS
- Mr. Daniel Esteve
Head Microstructure Department, LAAS-CNRS
- Mr. Michel Froelicher
General Director CETEHOR
- Dr. Wolfgang Menz
lnstitut fuer Mikrosystemtechnik Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg Universitaetsgelaande
- Mr. Hartmut Blum
Jenoptik Mikrotechnik
GmbH Germany
- Mr. Patric Salomon
- Dr. Reiner Wechsung
MicroParts GmbH
- Prof. Paolo Dario
ARTS Lab, Scuola Superiore
- Dr. Franco Mori
Electronic Division,
- Dr. Francesco Simonelli
Gefran Sensori s.r.l.
- Dr. Mario Zen
ITCflRST Istituto per la Ricerca Scientificae
- Prof. Naomasa Nakajima, Professor
Div. of Engineering, Graduate School University of Tokyo
- Mr. Takayuki Hirano
Executive Director Micromachine Center
- Dr. Tsuneo Ishimaru
Chairman Denso Corporation
- Dr. Sadao Moritomo
Executive Vice President, Seiko Instrumments, Inc.
- Dr. Toshiro Shimoyama
Chairman & CEO, Olympus Optical Co. Ltd.
- Dr. Ingemar Lundstrom
IFM - Linkopings Universitet
- Dr. Gunnar Edwall
Ericsson Components AB/FORC
- Mr. Dag Sigurd
- Prof. Nice de Rooij
Institute of Microtechnology
University of Neuchatel
- Mr. Philippe Fischer
FSRM, Swiss Foundation of
Research in Microtechnology
- Dr. Volker Gass
Mecanex SA Z.I. Nord
- Prof. Rene P. Salathe
Dept. of Microtechnology
Swiss Federal Insitute of Technology Lausanne
ME Ecublens
- Dr. Min-Shyong Lin
Executive Vice Presiden
Industrial Technology Research Institute
- Mr. Yao Chang
Associate Research Scientist, Synchotron Radiation Research Centre
- Prof. Star Ruey-Shing Huang
Department of Electrical Engineering National Tsing Hua University
- Prof. Jin-Shown Shie
Institute of Electro-Optics National Chiao Tung University
United Kingdom
- Prof. Howard Dorey
Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Imperial College
- Prof. Geoff Beardmore
Smiths Industries Aerospace & Defence Systems Ltd.
- Dr. Erol Harvey
Senior Development Engineer Exitech Ltd.
- Prof. Ron Lawes
Appleton Laboratory Central Microstructure Facility, CLRC
- Dr. Michael Ward
Business Manager,
Sensor Defence Research Agency
United States of America
- Dr. Richard Muller, Professor
Dept. of EECS, University of California
- Mr. David S. Eddy
Research & Development Center
General Motors
- Dr. G. Benjamin Hocker
Honeywell Technology Center
- Dr. Richard S. Payne
Analog Devices Inc.
- Mr. Jack Shaw
Chief Engineer of Technology Boeing Commercial Airplanes Group
The third World Micromachine Summit was held in Vancouver, Canada
on April 28-30, 1997. For the first time, the number of delegations was
expanded to take into account the spread of activity in micromachining
around the world. In order to keep numbers down to a practical level for
open discussions, the concept of a regional delegation was introduced.
50 delegates from 13 countries/regions exchanged views on micromachining,
before an audience of 31 international observers.
The Summit started with the country/region reviews, followed by
presentations and discussions on six topics. An experimental feature, the
open question and answer period opened the Summit to a wider range of issues.
Topics were explored and advances were made in defining and understanding
the issues, to say that conclusions were reached would be a bit presumptuous.
Given that caveat, the results of the Summit discussions were:
Circumstances differ markedly from region to region, in industrial
activity, government support and public perception, however each country/region
is dealing with some common problems. Micromachining is in a stage of rapid
advancement and this means knowledge must be diffused throughout industry
at a comparable pace, or bottlenecks and frustration are inevitable. General
public attitudes towards science & technology, as well as micromachining
in particular, are important factors in the development of micromachined
products and the micromachining industry in each society. Therefore, the
issue of diffusion of knowledge about micromachining applies to the whole
SME's continue to lead the way in most countries/regions, and finding
ways to start and expand production of micromachined devices at a cost
SME's can cope with, is a subject of much attention. Advances in packaging,
testing and standardization are seen as key to continued expansion.
The needs of the medical, environmental and auto industries are
driving development of microsystem technology in most countries/regions.
There is general agreement on the need for standardization at an
early stage, but the scope and appropriate mechanism are still matters
for debate. Many delegates consider standardization an important issue
for an international forum dedicated to the advancement of micromachining,
however the subject requires much more time than can possibly be allotted
at the Summits. Therefore, delegates were asked to consider attending a
separate meeting on standardization. This new working group is expected
to be formed over the next few months, and will report on its progress
at future Summits.
Medical diagnosis and treatment remains one of the most fruitful
areas for application of micromachine technology. Long term major trends
such as the shifts to non-invasive diagnosis, minimally invasive surgery,
greater home care, and in situ testing at the bedside or in the field with
a paramedic unit, all bode well for increased use of micromachined components.
Delegates were advised that close cooperation with medical doctors, and
strict attention to the customers needs are essential in a market characterized
by short product life cycles. Issues such as bio-compatibility and reliability
are particularly important in healthcare products.
Monitoring the indoor environment of our homes, to a global monitoring
system, the field is immense. On line sensors coupled to feedback control
will be used to increase our comfort, safety and protection in the home
and in public buildings. Large markets exist to monitor water and air quality
driven both by industry's need to meet regulations, and their desire to
improve process control, minimizing use of energy and raw materials. Many
environmental issues are global in nature, such as carbon loading of the
Effects are difficult to predict, causes difficult to determine,
a global monitoring system may be necessary to collect sufficient information.
Micromachined sensors are a practical way to minimize cost, use of energy,
use of materials, and waste in all these applications.
Our look into the future stressed alternate materials and processes.
Lasers are being used on non-planar substrates and flexible materials in
applications ranging from aerospace to food packaging. Micro-fluidic systems
for use in DNA and Immune assays, drug screening & synthesis, and automated
chemical reactors are being developed using alternatives to the traditional
silicon IC based technology. Delegates were reminded that micromachining
is very much a multi-disciplinary field requiring expertise in chemistry,
physics and biology as well as mechanical and electronic engineering.
The use of micromachined devices in the transportation industry
is well known and of comparatively long standing. The industry provides
excellent examples of the process involved in moving from a research concept
to a commercially successful micromachined product. New products and new
applications for existing products continue to expand the market for microsystem
technology in automotive and aerospace applications. The low cost and size
of micromachined sensors allow us to consider the application of large
sensor arrays with many different sensor types to greatly enhance system
The instruments used to create, transfer and store information grow
increasingly miniaturized. Micromachining is expected to play a major role
in manufacturing these miniature devices, but integration of current micromachining
research is required. In telecommunications the drive for real time interactive
multimedia means increasing use of optics. Production of micro-optical
devices increasingly means use of micromachining to keep costs down.
The chief delegates accepted the offer of Dr. Bates to host the
fourth World Micromachine Summit next year in Melbourne, Australia.